Using the Snowflake ODBC Driver

Once MFA has been enabled on the account being used in the connection string, review the 'MFA Configuration to support second factor tokens' steps below.

  • First step is to download and follow the instructions for installing the Snowflake ODBC driver.

  • Open your 'ODBC Data Source Administrator' panel: From the start menu, search for ‘ODBC Data Sources’:

  • On the ‘User DSN’ tab, click ‘Add’:

  • Select ‘Snowflake DSIIDriver’:

  • Click ‘Finish’ and you’ll be presented with the following fields to complete:

  • Data Source: Reapit Snowflake ODBC

  • User: Your Username (as setup in the Data Warehouse App)

  • Password: Your Password (as set in the DataWarehouse App)

  • Server: The server information is the URL which is provided in the Data Warehouse app under ‘Data Shares’ > ‘Copy URL’. For example, ‘’.

  • Database: The ‘Database’ can be retrieved from the Data Warehouse app under ‘Data Shares’ and is dependent on which schema you are using. In the example below for the ‘Analytics Schema’, it would be ‘REAPIT’:

  • Schema: The schema can be retrieved from the Data Warehouse app under ‘Data Shares’ and is dependent on which schema you are using. In the example below for the 'Analytics Schema', it would be ‘ANALYTICS_RES’:

  • Warehouse: The Warehouse can be retrieved from the Data Warehouse app under ‘Data Shares’ and is dependent on which schema you are using. In the example below for the Analytics Schema, it would be ‘STANDARD_WH’:

  • Role: PUBLIC

MFA Configuration to support second factor tokens

If you have MFA configured against the account you are connecting with, optionally set the Authenticator parameter in the ODBC configuration as below. This will cache the second factor tokens for a maximum of four hours, to reduce the number of prompts received when using these accounts in external applications like PowerBI.

  • Authenticator: USERNAME_PASSWORD_MFA

Example configuration completed:

  • Click ‘Test’ to verify the connection. This will prompt a notification to ‘DUO Mobile’ which you’ll need to approve.

When the connection is confirmed, you’ll see a screen similar to the following:

Now the Snowflake Driver has been configured, you will need to reconfigure your applications to use the new data source.


  • Select the ‘Data’ tab > Select ‘Get Data’ > Select ‘From Other Sources’ > Select ‘From ODBC’ > Select ‘Reapit Snowflake ODBC’ > Click ‘Ok’:

  • Enter your Username & Password’ > Click ‘Connect’:


  • Select ‘Get Data from Other Sources’ > Search ‘ODBC’ > Click 'Connect':

  • Select ‘Reapit Snowflake ODBC’ > Click 'OK':

  • Enter your Username & Password’ > Click ‘Connect’:

Last updated