Accessing Data

When you have created your User Accounts, you can then view the 'Available Data' for your organisation.

Selecting 'Data' from the left-hand navigation will display your Available Data and your current Data Shares.

If it is the first time you are loading the app, you may not see any available Data Shares.

The available datasets you can see are specific to your organisation. For more information on the individual datasets, please see below:

Analytics Schema

A normalised and simplified view of a your data that provides a fully documented, human readable schema purpose built for analytics and use in third party BI products. More information on the documentation can be found here

Operational Database

The entire customer data set as used directly by Reapit's product suite. This is undocumented and only available to customers who already use and understand it

Compatibility Views

Legacy views historically provided to customers previously using the RPS 10 product to allow existing tools to continue to function against later schemas. Only available to customers who already use and understand it.

When you are ready to create a Data Share, select ‘Create Share’ on your chosen dataset. This will create a data share with the credentials and information you will need for your chosen BI application.

Last updated